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Thinking about #BSDCan abstracts and falling into analysis paralysis, I've no idea what an abstract *looks* like for this con. How many words? Do you want the talk outline? The topic and that's it?

I dunno - AP is setting in - I want to give a good idea without accidentally writing the entire talk?

in reply to silverwizard

they can be short! People imagine them like a journal abstract but for our purposes it's probably better to think more about what would help you choose which room to join if you had them taped on the wall to read. Who's it for? What's the background story or prior work? What are the 3-4 biggest points you're trying to hit during your presentation, and what goal do you hope to achieve? Things like that. You don't need more that two paragraphs. Many proposals are fine with just one.
in reply to pamela

@pamela Maybe @silverwizard should just try to describe the talk here and then take it as an abstract! 😁
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan @pamela Ok so the talk abstract is basically

My goal with computer is to be as stupidly boring as possible, let's talk about how BSD enables that, and what I am currently doing.

The problem is that... that... I don't know. Giving more context is way too much, but it's also not much there.

in reply to silverwizard

@hypolite pick some categories you'd focus on, maybe, and see what personal experiences match up? Often a talk given by an individual works nicely as a set of stories, but we don't always have those.
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard A good abstract is like good slides, they give the direction of the talk but not the details.

You aren’t trying to get clicks so you should state bluntly the context of the talk and its conclusion, this lets people gage if they are interested in the “in-between” part.