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I'm trying to make a small device autoplay the playlist on a CF card when the CF card is plugged in.

Linux is garbage now - is that the lesson I've learned?

in reply to silverwizard

first a question, what bits are you relying on to try and make this thing happen?
in reply to sungo

@sungo Yeah - so I've tried a few different options

So I'm kinda stuck in Armbian land because I'm doing this on a raspi knockoff (after they hired a cop I swore them off).

So I started trying with just putting things on fstab, and found a tool for autoplaying CDs - but it didn't really work. So I moved to a udev rule which works on and off - but wont kick off sound because it's not able to subscribe the audio daemon. I've started looking at stripping out pulse and replacing it with alsa directly. But now I'm just trying to find a tool that will play an m3u without a session (cvlc seems gone from packages).

There's more - but I've spent a few hours on this and I'm mostly just frazzled.

in reply to silverwizard

I would look at a systemd automount config with an After= line to do the thing
in reply to sungo

@sungo Cool - I will make an attempt. Thanks! (probably not a today project - but if it works I'll be very grateful)
in reply to silverwizard

occurs to me for the playback side, you could run mpv as a daemon and then send it a command to play the new files via mpv's command fifo. I use that for an audio player of mine.
in reply to sungo

@sungo mpv eh?t I've never seen mpv in daemon mode. I generally use mpd - but it doesn't do well with a library being so weird.
