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With all my random thoughts about worker cooperatives, I haven't specifically mentioned what I have in mind.

I'm kind of a broken-down old sysadmin. I can't really code and I'm not an engineer, and a lot of the intermediate-level type of work I was doing has been offshored or has morphed into SRE/DevOps.

Most of the clouds now in use, AWS, Azure, VMWare and even Google, are proprietary, and I loathe what they stand for.

#coop #workercoop #FOSS #Linux #sysadmin #genx

in reply to Michael Potter

@Michael Potter As a sysadmin in my heart, I feel this. We need the smaller orgs again. The cloud ate the world and I don't know how we get it back.
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard I think there are niches for a FOSS cloud, or apps built on the same. I also think maybe we're going to have to build them if we want them.

It's easier said than done, of course, but I can remember when Microsoft was the juggernaut, and we moved past that.

in reply to Michael Potter

@Michael Potter I've been trying to make an Organic Server Farm (solar, cloud surplus servers, MSP kinda thing) which serves my community - especially small businesses and nonprofits for years, but how do we make that make enough money to feed my kids
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard @Michael Potter I would love to make money with my small server farm, but it seems that people only pay the big names, or just host for themselves.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard @Michael Potter I'm not making any money with what I do, but I have no limits, other than power consumption doing it all my self.