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Last night in a bid to see a walrus (at our three year old's request) we watched a show called Dangerous Waters on curiosity stream.

The Walrus search sent us to S2E1 and this show is the greatest bad reality TV show.

They wanna cross from Alaska to Russia on jetskis and spend the first half-hour of episode 1 discussing how prepared they were. Their MREs, their jetskis maintenance, the oil changes, the fuel cans.

They get to their first town on schedule, and spend hours knocking on doors asking to crash on someone's couch, they didn't think to arrange a hotel.

Stupid, but ok, fine. They can camp.

So they do it! They cross the Berring Strait! They land in Russia and!


They spend the next episodes talking about how the low grade hotel they are held in is a gulag and being conspiratorial about their jetskis being searched.

This is the ideal reality show!
@silverwizard And the camera crew is allowed to keep filming them in Russia?
They have their cameras, phones, and it looks like laptops. Yeah.

They are in contact with representatives and others.
@hypolite ya, it was filmed years ago, right? I watched S1 a while ago, S2 wasn’t out yet. Amazed at the mix of brave/stupid and over/under hype. :)
Thing I read said ~2012, and it's 6 seasons long.

And yeah - I just love how it's a lesson in prepper mindsets.