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OK. At the risk of giving "Mishing" more screen time than it deserves, please read my impassioned plea for us, the infosec community, to stop coming up with new phishing name variants.…

I also urge everyone to sign this VERY REAL, and not at all satirical petition on dedicated to this cause -->

Wondering what "Mishing" is? Or what other types of phishing terminology means? I'm sorry that you're in that position. But for you, I've also included a very cursed glossary of terms you can peruse…. I very explicity told @cR0w not to do this, but here we are.

Original post of me complaining about this:…

Read my blog post. Sign the petition. Join the movement!


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Unknown parent

I, no joke, drank like 4 hard ciders and very angrily jammed my keyboard until this blog post appeared. I hope everyone's happy.
in reply to shellsharks


tbh I think it's mostly mitnick's guys doing this shit for marketing, and less any of us who do actual security

in reply to Fi 🏳️‍⚧️

You're either with us, or AGAINST US! 😝

(I curse whoever's responsible for these ishings)

in reply to Fi 🏳️‍⚧️

Yeah I remember the steady stream of glowing obits, and then all the counters to those here. To be clear though, my ire is mostly directed at Zimperium 🤣.
in reply to shellsharks

For an added level of humor, I've changed the QR code that's embedded in my home page logo to redirect to the petition. At least my quishing is for the good of all...
in reply to shellsharks

Are you familiar with Fishing?
It's where you go out and try to catch fishes, from the sea, or ocean, or a lake.
It's what I wish I could do every day, instead of having to deal with "cyber" "ishings"
in reply to Simon 🐮

Wouldn't it be nice to just be on the water, far from the mishings of the world...
Unknown parent

Andrew 🌻 Brandt 🐇
squishing is phishing by means of physically grasping the target and squeezing until the passwords come out
in reply to Andrew 🌻 Brandt 🐇

TA: "Come here, I just wanna tell ya something real quick."

Victim: Walks on over

TA: Grabs and then SQUOOOOOSH, "Gimme all your secrets!"


Unknown parent

Andrew 🌻 Brandt 🐇
you have no idea how many times this has happened to me
in reply to shellsharks

I lost marks in an exam because I couldn't remember what specific phish variant the acronym was. So annoying. Like we don't have our heads full of enough bloody protocols and ports and threat actor appelations.
in reply to shellsharks

I tried a squishing attack on my kids this morning. It didn't work at all. No secrets! They just giggled a lot and said "I love you too, dad"
Unknown parent

"Chaos is a ladder"
Unknown parent

a.k.a. "Quish-spraying"
in reply to shellsharks

Prediction: it won't go away, as the very first -ishing after "phishing" offered an irresistible template for cbishing, and is now too entrenched.

(Cbishing of course referring to click bait phishing. Or should that be cbarming? Click this link to join the debate. Argument #3 will blow your mind.)

Unknown parent

FFS, now there's -ishing namespace confusion