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I need to go get in a fight with my city about their fucking lawn bylaws. "No plants over 20cm" is basically a crime against the ecosystem, and they're on a tear this year.
Whoa, that's... bizarre. Like, that makes most flowers illegal. What a bizarre choice.
@Craig P So I mean, the law is written to be able to fine whatever they want, and then they only fine people in poorer areas AFAICT because there's a lot of places that disregard it
Ah, the classic city planning priority: classism. Followed quickly by racism.
@Craig P with help from my parents I bought a house while still in university, and because of that I live in a fairly poor area. And holy shit, it's hard not to understand what people are talking about. "We will collect your leaves, but only after snowfall. We will penalize you for having leaves after it snows". Just so many ongoing attempts to fine people who live in my neighbourhood.