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Ok - someone has stolen a cool fucking WorldCoin orb - will you send it to me? I wanna make it a server.

Fuck - I want a spherical server forever

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard Looking for a refresher on Worldcoin orbs, I found this nugget:
"[...] the US government intervened saying they should be allowed to leave because they haven’t yet been found guilty of committing a crime[...]"

This is rich, coming from a country that has a (un)healthy bail bond industry.


in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard I'm not sure what "can't" exactly mean here. Does it mean "you can but you'll get a slap on the wrist by daddy USA" or "do as the USA say, not as it does"?
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard So the latter, "do as I say, not as I do". Plus white collar crime, I suppose.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan Yeah - the US definitely is just intervening because it's rich people and their whole stance of "US Citizens should be immune to law enforcement"