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Did you know #Netflix started a service where they would mail you a DVD and you kept it until you were satisfied, and then mailed it back?

They're finally shutting this service down. The last customers to receive DVDS won't have to return them.

I've a moderate amount of experience writing software for media rights models (for the BBC). This will violate some of those rights. Be interesting to see if anything comes of that.…

in reply to silverwizard

Tons of small shops makes it very hard to know who did and did not violate rights.

Netflix is a single entity and that could make it much easier to audit. I *doubt* anything will come of this (who cares if grandpa is watching Casablanca?), but it will be interesting to watch if someone complains.

(Edit: Casablanca was a terrible example. I recently entered public domain:…)

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

@Curtis "Ovid" Poe so I know there was a massive fight in the studios when Netflix first happened, but they just bought them retail and then rented them.

It's probably why US only, UK laws might differ on that? (I am Canadian where they sold that part of the business rather than continuing it)

in reply to Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

> (Edit: Casablanca was a terrible example. I recently entered public domain:…)

Chucking a bit at the idea of *you* recently entering the public domain. I guess that means we can watch you on YouTube for free?

Er, well, I guess we already could……