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Web of Trust For Content is going around, and uh, that feels way more fragile than the other WoT
so as an anarchist I say "eject the offenders from the community"

as a person who lives under capitalism:
"I guess it's time to start a revolution or just accept the destruction of truth"
@серафими многоꙮчитїи Wait - why didn't my post post earlier?!

It's "I trust this person to speak truly" so trusted people can sign websites. Which feels bad
yeah, that's a nonstarter on like every level.

I would really love digital signatures to be on more fragments of content, like I feel like the possibility of digital signatures is severely underused. But the truth value isn't something we can ever fix technically.
@серафими многоꙮчитїи I dunno - I don't own enough technology that I trust to own a key longterm

I don't have a device I feel like my key wont be exfiltrated from, and I am terrible at keeping reliable hardware tokens.