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Hey #FreeBSD and #ZFS types

I snapshotted a zpool with 1.5 fee TB, and now 0bytes are free on, and so I can't delete the snapshot, can't send the snapshot, and can't delete a dataset

It's a 4disk RAIDZ2 and it *looks* like I can't add more disks? Is there a secret to adding disks to the vdev?
Add another vdev to the pool is definitely possible, ok, I thought I couldn't do that for some reason

I will do that!

Thanks so much!

(And then I will replace the pool and try to make it a little more sensible).

Why the hell snapshotting took up all my space is the question of the century
Yeah, it was literally:
5.7TB usable
4TB used
zfs snapshot -R zroot@snap
0bytes available
Yeah, I've stared covetously at that a few times
Yeah, but that would require me to be tracking 14, which I am not
Running 12.3 right now, because upgrade means downtime, and downtime is something I can't schedule, and it's mostly a bhyve host
if you have any datasets with reservation or refreservation set, you may be able to reduce them to make space free. I’m not optimistic that this will work, but may be worth a shot.
Yeah, sadly no, this was a dumb on my part, but honestly, I did not forsee snapshotting filling the pool
Yeah, I know, right >.<