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Hmm. A symlinked folder I can navigate through and save to from gedit, but shows as broken and can't be clicked through in nautilus.
…are you just making up names of things that don’t actually exist?
When I save a new file from gedit to the symlinked folder, I can't see the file in the actual/destination folder from nautilus, until I restart, and then it's there.
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
When I ls the directory the symlinked folder is light blue (meaning no problems?). But when I view it within nautilus it has a weird/broken icon and I can't click through it.
@Paul Czege if it's a relative symlink - nautilus might be parsing the path wrong?
@Paul Czege huh - that's a fully qualified path... did you install nautilus from snap or app image? That looks like a cross device symlink which would break inside a snap or appimage


It's a symlink across partitions of the same ssd. I created it via command line. I pasted the path for the command, but haven't copy/pasted the symlink within nautilus.

@Paul Czege sorry, out of my depth, I hope it gets figured, sorry, wish I could help more (cross device does include different partitions in this context though, to be clear)
When I try to click through in nautilus it tells me the target doesn't exist.
perhaps a file system limitation or assumption? The “shared with windows” file system may be FAT32, which doesn’t support symlinks. Perhaps nautilus makes some assumptions about FAT32…? The invisible until restart issue could also be related. If you want to get to the bottom, post the permissions of both the symlink and the target (stat output).
@silverwizard @darkade
I did ultimately find a pattern. Upon startup the previously created symlink, which is to a folder in a partition on a SSD, is broken and cannot be traversed. But if I navigate through the actual destination folder in Nautilus it fixes the symlink.