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"you can't threaten to destroy priceless artifacts and artworks just to make a point about climate change" - people who say nothing about priceless rock art and sacred sites being destroyed for pipelines and mines

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I was getting passed off about the art but then remembered the tale of Jonah and the plant, and him caring more about the plant than the world of Nineveh...
I mean, in this case the art is in the world being destroyed too!

Also! They threw soup on glass not art!

But also oil is destroying native art!

Fuck it all!
exactly. they are making a very good protest, I think.
I'm not a fan of throwing soup on art, and would have preferred it if they'd thrown the soup on an oil executive or one of their bought politicians, but I have to admit that the points about caring more about art than about the world are excellent.
They threw the soup on glass near at

Also - wait until you find out what pipelines are doing to native art!

Wait until you find out what climate change is doing to galleries and museums!