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There is no fucking reason that looking at websites should require as much RAM as high end gaming and we never should have let this happen.

I've never seen a computer game use as much RAM as a web browser. I've never seen anything use as much RAM as a web browser.

I see people insisting now that they need 32 GB of RAM on a personal computer, and I look at my fifteen year old desktop that almost never uses more than 2 GB of RAM and a fraction of a percent of CPU time. The performance constraints are disk access time and, with some games, GPU.

Modern personal computers are massively overpowered for what people actually want to do with them, and if the Web wasn't a nightmare of aggressive advertising, most people's needs could be met with cheap, energy efficient SBCs.

It makes me angry.

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@foolishowl yep - using adblockers can as much as halve RAM usage. It's pretty messed up that an ads company both runs and promotes the browser that makes every other browser a rounding error.

@foolishowl I couldn't agree with you more. Current Raspberry Pi computers with 4 GB of memory should be enough for most of people. And modern x86 CPUs are bad.


@foolishowl but let's be honest, it's mostly due to fact, that webdevs do not care about such things and uses bloats likeReact or Bootstrap, as they do not care about RAM, as well as their clients, who just want to have "pretty" website

pretty slow

@foolishowl I have a 15 year old laptop that barely ran Windows 7 at the time. It runs Linux just fine but looking at replacing it because it won't web surf that well anymore 🤦
Imagine how much energy we could save without all of the Web browser bloat. :(
@foolishowl @tk electron: yo kids, so I heard you like web browsers, so let's put a web browser in every app 😬

@foolishowl I have. Both intentionally and unintentionally. And also the other way around, a web browser using way more RAM than it's supposed to.

One game saturated my 16GB system. To be fair, it was a memory leak, but still. :)

browser's tend to optimistically grab spare RAM in absence of external memory pressure. They'll release it too. So very hard to asset they use "too much", never mind some tools that multi-count shared RAM between the various processes

@foolishowl Web browsers and Java applications are my 2 big memory and energy hogs.

A GNOME replacement for DBeaver would be great.


B-b-but our advertisers!!! 😭

No, seriously, this was all because advertisers suddenly started demanding dynamic webpages so they could track us and show us ads. The majority of bandwidth and resources for webpages come from advertisers.

The irony is that advertisers were supposedly the way to finance the websites' bandwidth usage. In the end, it's the end user who spends most of the bandwidth. The entire web has been turned upside down.

@yuki2501 Can confirm. This is my industry, and Universe, I utterly *loathe* ad-tech/track-tech.
@socketwench @yuki2501 Part of what's frustrating is that I see these discussions of what complicated platform to use for running a personal website, and I wonder how many people know that you can pretty much dump plain text between the "body" tags in a simple HTML template and boom, you've got a basic Web page.
@FoolishOwl @socketwench @Cyber Yuki @lori "Look how easy it is to use the web on AWS" *S3, CloudFront, CloudWatch, R53, KMS, ACM,*

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@silverwizard @socketwench @foolishowl Oh gawd, too many buzzwords and acronyms 🤢
@Cyber Yuki @socketwench @FoolishOwl @lori The worst part is that I couldn't think up enough so I DDGed "AWS static site" and copied the list off the first thing I saw.