Worker Jobs: UpdateContacts it never ends
Hello , @Friendica Support
It's been more than 2 months since UpdateContacts
the one highlighted in red it doesn't end , can you tell me how i can remove it?
Worker Jobs: UpdateContacts it never ends
Hello , @Friendica Support
It's been more than 2 months since UpdateContacts
the one highlighted in red it doesn't end , can you tell me how i can remove it?
in reply to Anomaly • • •Anomaly
in reply to Hiker • • •Hiker
in reply to Anomaly • • •Anomaly
in reply to Hiker • • •@Friendica Support
in reply to Anomaly • • •Anomaly
in reply to pasjrwoctx👽 • • •Hi @pasjrwoctx👽 , thanks
I can't find any entries related to
in reply to Anomaly • • •Anomaly
in reply to pasjrwoctx👽 • • •I am using the latest version
I think because i use Daemon as a Systemd Service , no
cron jobs
in reply to Anomaly • • •Anomaly
in reply to pasjrwoctx👽 • • •Thanks so much for the help @pasjrwoctx👽
~/friendica$ bin/daemon.php status
Daemon process 1120 is running.
= 1;Query OK, 151 rows affected (0.004 sec)
For now
it's still thereMaybe @Hypolite Petovan will give some suggestions
in reply to Anomaly • •@Anomaly @Hypolite Petovan @pasjrwoctx👽 if you turn on debug logs, are there related logs? Especially after running worker. php?
If not - you can probably purge the item from the db safely.
like this
pasjrwoctx👽 and Anomaly like this.
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in reply to silverwizard • • •I killed the process and restarted it
systemctl status friendica-daemon.service
I turn on debug logs , these are all the messages
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in reply to Anomaly • • •Anomaly likes this.
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in reply to pasjrwoctx👽 • • •I will follow your suggestions, you surely know many things more than me 😊 , thx
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Hypolite Petovan
in reply to Anomaly • • •@Anomaly Deferred tasks aren't currently running. They failed during they initial run, which placed them in this wait list with a next try date in the future. From your screenshot it appears that the task creation date and the next try date are pretty close to each other, so it must only have failed a few times at most.
Running either the worker or the daemon manually will not clear deferred tasks which next try date have not been reached yet. There's an incremental back off system that increases the delay before the next try after each new failure. Once the task succeeds, the task will clear from the deferred list.
Anomaly likes this.
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in reply to Hypolite Petovan • • •yes I thought this, but why has this entry been in the list for 2 months? All entries are successfully completed .
I have no problems with friendica, if this entry does not cause problems,can be on the list.
I'm not very experienced with friendica, so I'm asking