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How up-my-own-ass would it be to commission art for the 15k novelette I sold? It was a big sale for me, but's not a novel. And I don't need the art for self-pub promo.
Not a bit. You can have art for your own enjoyment, it's allowed!
I am always in favor of getting art for whatever reason.
Would it make you happy? Can you reasonably afford it? If so, that’s all the justification you need.
I think that would be very cool - the original (or nice print) framed even. Ephemera is a great way to express what you love and the joy it brings you.
@nk oh I didn't even consider framing a physical copy
I don’t know what you see in your minds eye but I’m picturing some fun watercolor original, pulpy but also modern?
@nk I would like an illustrated/comic book feel
I think that’s awesome. My brother in law collects inks and pencils for comics, has rooms full of them framed. Having one for YOUR story would be cool as hell.
do it for yourself, not for anyone else. This is fine and up nobody's ass.
do it! Totally worth it!
my guy, I commissioned art for my D&D character, and he's barely even a bulleted list. go absolutely go nuts
My own "should I buy A Thing" rubric basically boils down to "can I afford it, do I have room for it, do I want it enough to go to the effort of sourcing it?" - I don't consider "do I need it for practical purposes" or "what will others think about the relative importance/relevance" as important factors.
Never a bad time to commission artists.
Can you afford it? Would it make you happy?

Then do it. It's that simple.
I commissioned three sea shanties in order to make a moment in an RPG pop

Paying artists is its own reward!
Life is too short to not celebrate your wins, especially with dope art.
You should do it because it will be part of your life, and part of your story's.