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A manager in a meeting today told us that he had "asked ChatGPT and this is what it said" and then pasted its responses about the character encoding standard used in ID3 tags.

An engineering manager.

While I had the actual spec open. (Thank you @internetarchive)
He was absolutely sure that UTF-8 was the correct coding for ID3v2.3 (because ChatGPT said so). And everything I can find says that it uses UTF-16.

And our issue is a character encoding problem.

But my suggestion that this was an issue was considered a red herring.
Maybe I *am* wrong. But "I checked the lie generator and it said otherwise" is not going to convince me.
@silverwizard I am increasingly convinced this is true in several ways. He's not *my* manager, though, so it's my problem only in so far as I need his team to produce solutions.
@Magess :heart_ace: honestly, worst kind of manager is someone else's who isn't listening