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You are on a raft in the ocean, holding a paddle. Ahead you see two islands. On each island stands one man — Tommy Wiseau and Neil Breen. Both are waving you in. Whose island do you paddle towards?

  • Tommy Wiseau (56%, 21 votes)
  • Neil Breen (43%, 16 votes)
37 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

in reply to We Got One

head towards Wiseau's island, pick him up, take him to Breen's island, return to Wiseau's island by yourself
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard what if wiseau and breen mated, and every day you looked over at the other island and saw more and more of their offsprimg waving back
in reply to Alex P. 👹

@Alex P. 👹 @Psychic Tides Holy fuck. Just slowly growing an island. A divergent species.

I want to be clear - I did watch the web show Tommy Explains it All, and me and my roommmate at the time last all the time. Both of us basically awoke 1.5 hours later.

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard @saddestrobots I own a copy of The Tommy Wi-Show and I am more confused than ever. I don’t know how a Wiseau/Breen mating would turn out.

But I do want to watch the courtship.

Tommy hands Neil a single red rose. Breen dons the ceremonial bloody face bandages…

in reply to Alex P. 👹

@saddestrobots @silverwizard If Wiseau and Breen mated, their offspring would be like Miss Piggy’s and Kermit’s — not little people who are half Tommy and half Breen, but each a tiny version of a full Wiseau or a full Neil Breen.
Unknown parent

@Psychic Tides @Alex P. 👹 The Tommy Wi-Show is about one quarter the level of confusing as Tommy Explains it All
in reply to We Got One

Thank god. I did not wanna be trapped on an island with Cornelius Breen.
in reply to We Got One

Full Disclosure: I was biased towards Tommy Wiseau because I once played catch football with him in the middle of Fillmore St., San Francisco.