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I would be really happy if I didn't just fix a problem by writing
grep -rl 'keyword' | xargs sed -i 's/keyword/KEYWORD/g'
that sounds painful lol
@draygon I know! Arghh. Worse, it worked perfectly.
@screwlisp see - the problem is not using -exec, find can do it on its own

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@silverwizard right. Tbh I got this from a horrible web result. I have no idea how the author thought I could deal with this, I think, non-portable *thing* from allegro common lisp

@silverwizard depends on if it’s GNU find or BSD find. The latter doesn’t support \+ in -exec which means that each file match would be a new process

With just a quick test xargs was clever enough to pad out the arguments to max, so with a simple test i was able to get 12k
files down to three command invocations

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Pandora’s box was full of CASE INSENSITIVITY

sorry, it was full of case insensitivity