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G'day @fu my Mums a landlord. In the recent post you said "unless they're landlords, then throw them off Mount Doom". Would you like to defend your incitement to murder my mother? You are a Christian so I was surprised by the hatred.
in reply to Richard

Dude, this is just asking for trouble.

Also, I'm a landlord and I would go broke and my children would starve if I didn't receive a return on my CONSIDERABLE investment.

in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood @Richard LOL! So you are saying you have no ability to actually labor like us working slobs have to?
in reply to Ji Fu

no dumbass. I labour my ass off. But I can't pay rent AND mortgage at the same time with a single income family of 5.
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood @Richard no one is asking you to pay rent and mortgage. Property you "own" that you don't occupy is an artificial creation of the state that does not exist in nature.
in reply to Ji Fu

Weird. God promised land. Does he occupy it? If you're dissing the state, do you think God made a mistake with the Kingdom of Israel or the Kingdom of Heaven?
You claim landlord's are inherently unjust(exploititive). Is God inherently unjust for allowing humans to live on Earth?
(Note:your incitement to murder my mother and Ned) still has not been apologised for.
in reply to Richard

@Richard @Sir Nedwood God gives the land freely. He does not threaten you to freeze to death if you don't give him 50% of your income.

I don't know your mother and I don't have any intention of encouraging the murder of individuals. If such had happened I apologize. Landlordism, however needs to die a horrible death, like other forme of authoritarianism.

A kingdom is not necessarily a State and I don't think heaven is one. Many biblical scholars believe the Kingdom of Israel never actually existed and its primarily allegory. I don't know how I feel about this.

in reply to Ji Fu

where I live a house is $2,000,000. Where I buy a house is $400,000. So either I live where I can't work, or I work where I can't live. There is no artificial creation of the state here. I own land, I improved that land, people voluntarily occupy it for me, and I am allowed to work and raise a family as a result. With the hope that one day I may be able to live where I own. And im the mean time I am the one paying rent where housing is unaffordable.
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood

people voluntarily occupy it for me

that's like saying I voluntarily pay taxes because I don't go out of my way to buy everything on a black market and work under the table so I can get benefits.

in reply to Sir Nedwood

You may want to reconsider whether your suggestion that all landlords are exploitative is fair to the millions of landlords you don't know. Maybe that's been your limited experience. I have a feeling that isn't the last word.
in reply to royal

@royal @Sir Nedwood @Richard the very nature of landlordism is exploitive, just like capitalism as a whole. Landlords just happen to be some of the worst. Occasionally capitalist's will have actually done some work in the past, still no excuses for them, most landlords ain't done nothing but happened to have had money. Absentee landlordism, whish is like 95% of such in The West, is completely illegitimated, and it is stealing the Lord's property from the working class for their own profit
in reply to Ji Fu

and @ned , I can't speak for @fu , but I want to recognize while there is plenty of reason to resent exploitative landlords, I trust that is not the situation with you and yours. Landlords can be fair to their tenants, even partners with them; they can take care of and improve their properties and make things better for their communities, not worse. May charity prevail.
in reply to royal

the fact that land can be owned does not make ownership of said land exploitative. The land should be put to good use in the way that benefits people the most. And sometimes that means rent. Because having somewhere to stay is better than being homeless.
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood @royal @Richard artificially driving up prices of land by not occupying it and using the power of the state to prevent others from improving it causes homelessness.
in reply to Ji Fu

Please go find those people and have a word with them. Nobody here is arguing with you about the idea that there are bad landlords. I think we all agree.

We should also all agree that charity is necessary. If you don't, well. Your words may profit nothing.

in reply to Ji Fu

Landlord's who rent out there properties are by definition occupying there land.
Note: I'm still waiting for an apology for inciting my mother should be murdered.
in reply to Richard

@Richard @royal @Sir Nedwood no they aren't. By definition the tennants are the ones occupying the land. Such tenants are the rightful owners.
in reply to Ji Fu

can you point to this assertion Biblically? I can’t find anywhere that occupation equals ownership. God specifically had the Israelites remove people by force who occupied the promise land while Israel was enslaved in Egypt. In part it was God using Israel to punish those nations for idolatry.
in reply to Jordon

@Jordon @royal @Sir Nedwood @Richard biblically Christians share all resources with their community. Pretty much the opposite of land lords.
in reply to Ji Fu

do you own your house? If I turned up on your doorstep would you share it with me?
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood

do you own your house?


If I turned up on your doorstep would you share it with me?

certainly, we have never turned away anyone who has requested such.

in reply to Ji Fu

oh no, I don't mean to just visit. I mean I now own a share of your house.
in reply to Richard

@Richard @Ji Fu @royal @Sir Nedwood Your mom should be murdered

I really hope it's only because she's a landlord

You should only be shamed for licking boots AFAIK

in reply to silverwizard

and murderers should face Justice. Of boot licking I care not a whit. Virtue reigns supreme. Bye bye Sauraman.

@fu @royal @ned

in reply to Ji Fu

the land is occupied. And improved, by me! And what's with this "power of the state" nonsense? You just seem to be full of hate and expressing it in nonsensical delusions.
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood the power of the State here includes, but is not limited to, the Register of Deeds claiming you own it, police officers violently removing residents for not giving you money, etc.
in reply to Ji Fu

is this an ancap argument? Shall I remove people from my property with my own force? What about others that wish to remove me from my property?
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood ther is no such thing as an ancap. Capitalism requires government to exist.

Shall I remove people from my property with my own force?

Usually that isn't necessary and just being polite will be sufficient but in extreme cases yes you or others who voluntarily due so, would be legitimate self-defense,

What about others that wish to remove me from my property?

Again you have a right to self-defense.

in reply to Ji Fu

also just noticed your definition of capitalism seems very different to mine. I see it as simply the free exchange of goods as services via a market mechanism. Ironically any other system would require additional government enforcement to manage what goods and services people are allowed to trade or what price they will pay.
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood it sounds like you are referring to a freed market, rather than the common usage of capitalism of rule by those with large amounts of capital.

Anarchism has always been an anti-capitalist position, and usually anti-market as well.

in reply to Ji Fu

What you are describing is Plutocracy. Which I am no fan of and agree with you. Rule by the merchant class results in degeneracy and corruption, of which we know no bounds these days.

But to say anarchism is "anti-market" seems completely antithetical and makes no sense. But the again I'm not an anarchist so what do I know.

in reply to Ji Fu

Well thankfully asking tenants politely to pay rent has worked well so far. They are even grateful to do so.
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood one day the revolution will come and they will get what they deserve.
in reply to Sir Nedwood

@fuChurch and Christians support
- Censorship
- Jewish Power
- NWO 2030
- Taxation
- Ethnic Genocide via Ethnic mass Replacement, Race mixing and abortion
- genetical mutlation
- Usery

They have no claim to be a higher moral authority

in reply to Sir Nedwood

@Sir Nedwood @Richard Communism is also antithetical to the working class. I can't see what has posted as their instance is blocked from for "not my department" which seems to be what our admin lists for facism.

As my union stated in convention resolution

Whereas: there has been considerable confusion as to the I.W.W. and the Communists, causing some people to believe that we are Communists, and

Whereas: the purposes of the I.W.W. and the Communists are unalterably opposed since the I.W.W. aims at the extension of Industrial Democracy while the Communists aim at the establishing of a party dictatorship over the working class, and

Whereas: the Communists represent the interests, not of labor but of the totalitarian regime in Russia [and elsewhere], and

Whereas: for these reasons the Communists have been trying for [years] to liquidate the I.W.W.,

Therefore be it resolved:

First, that we look upon the Communist Party and its fledglings as a major menace to the working class, and
Second, that the interests of world peace can best be served by labor movements that clearly represent the interests of Labor and not the interests of any political state, and
Third, that we consider that the foolishness of the Communists can best be exposed by assuring them complete civil liberties and,
Fourth, that our publicity dealing with Communists follow this resolution and confine itself to factual information exposing their folly and harmfulness to labor.

IWW Resolution in Solidarity with ILWU Local 21, Longview, Washington

This entry was edited (10 months ago)