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Dear internet: I would like your favorite movies about women overcoming huge/galactic obstacles. Those obstacles should not be dudes.

Good example: Gravity, Coraline
Bad Example: Kill Bill, Bombshell

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Adam Shostack

@adamshostack are you seriously proposing that Leia achieves galactic objectives unrelated to dudes when her whole job is to be a sister, then a slug slave, and then rescue a dude?
in reply to Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️

@adamshostack Rey has a better arc, I’ll grant you, but Darth Hot Guy From HBO’s “Girls” does seem to get the lions share of her attention.
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Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️
@xabean I haven’t seen that one. Looking it up now.
Unknown parent

I was thinking Orphan Black(for a bug chunk of it at least) or Killing Eve but they also fail to be movies.
@Tarah @adamshostack
in reply to Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️

@Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️ there's a very weird movie called How I Live Now, assuming you accept that "civil war" is the background and figuring out day to day survival is the obstacle, it meets the critera. It's weird but wildly well acted.
in reply to Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️

- A Quiet Place Day One - there's a dude sidekick, but the movie is about her and she's the one that has to overcome the massive alien invasion threat.
in reply to Tinker ☀️

- I wonder if Tank Girl counts. Like the main villian is a dude... but it's more the corporation is the main enemy, and the villian dude is the CEO of the corp. Like it could have been played by a woman and not much changed in the story (if im remembering it correctly)

I dunno.

in reply to Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️

I do want to offer as we are having this discussion that multiple people suggested Moana, I have been watching it for the last hour, it definitely counts, and the Psychedelic Treasure Crab will now haunt my dreams.

Preston Maness ☭ reshared this.

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Jens Finkhäuser
@xabean Ghost in the Shell involves overcoming dudes, but mostly it's about self actualization, I'd say. It's a tricky one (and part of why I like it).
Unknown parent

@hotsoup That was my first thought, too, but it fails on the "overcoming" part.
Unknown parent

@xabean I don't think it fits the spirit of the question if the motivator throughout the entire movie is a dude.
Unknown parent

Wait, how does Howl not count? Sophie was cursed by a woman and had to overcome her low self esteem. 👀
in reply to Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️

Not sure if it’s been mentioned already, but how about The Descent? I can’t rule out that the antagonists are dudes, but they certainly don’t need to be 😀
Unknown parent

@xabean I think Mononoke-hime would count, but I’m not sure she overcomes. It’s ambiguous. And it’s been a long time since I saw it.