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Talk I'm listening to today:

The experience of ATDD (acceptance test driven development a la Cucumber Gherkin etc) definitely follows mine. They're a lot of work to write, and the customer-facing part never is used.

To expand: No customer cares that button X opens modal Y. They care about higher level stuff like "does the wizard I asked for exist? do I like using it?"

For a webapp the finest test granularity that will be read amout is page, form or dialog. That's it.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Bee O'Problem

Toward the end of the talk there are some points I *love*

"Mock stuff that's expensive to set up, don't mock everything"

Mocking everything means your tests break every time you refactor. That renders unit tests a cost instead of benefit. Don't tie tests to implementation is more or less the key point.

"Minimize use of IOC [or DI] frameworks"

Also love this. I like having control over object lifecycles since it's easier to debug. All DI really means is controlling where "new" is called.