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today it took me 10 minutes to think of a good commit message. the other day it took me 12 minutes to think of a good variable name πŸ˜…πŸ€·πŸ½
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

This is as it should be.

Wisdom comes from calling things by their proper name.

What that name is, is only obvious after someone has Named it.

We programmers are like Madeline L’Engle’s Proginoskes in this respect.

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

I feel your pain! I've got so desperate that I created a chatGPT account only to ask for best variable names and commit messages πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

I guess the commit message is the next big excuse for a delay (aka. legally slacking off) after compilation?