The real question is if the law exist, why did Trump get convicted of a crime and the judge go "Well, you can't do anything to the president, so whatever"
Americans need to come to grips with the idea that laws don't exist
I wanna be clear here - "don't exist" doesn't mean laws are bad. I'm all about "not no rules but no rulers", but like, fuck, if you create a class of people to enforce rules (seems like a dumb idea), and then choose to not make those people enforce rules (lol wut), why would you think those rules matter? They don't functionally have meaning.
If your rules are completely disconnected from your community and its values, then why would anyone attempt to obey them?! If your laws are actively harmful why would anyone support them? How do you enforce an unsupported law without mass violence?!
The Super Bowl celebration are a great example of cops fighting people for no good reason, because Order is their job, not law, but they try ro enforce Order via Violence, a losing combination
Thousands of years of civilization working towards incrementally better answers to, "Who watches the watchmen?" and in, like, the last year our top legal people went fully galaxy-brain with, "No one, obviously. How even would you?"
in reply to silverwizard • •I wanna be clear here - "don't exist" doesn't mean laws are bad. I'm all about "not no rules but no rulers", but like, fuck, if you create a class of people to enforce rules (seems like a dumb idea), and then choose to not make those people enforce rules (lol wut), why would you think those rules matter? They don't functionally have meaning.
If your rules are completely disconnected from your community and its values, then why would anyone attempt to obey them?! If your laws are actively harmful why would anyone support them? How do you enforce an unsupported law without mass violence?!
in reply to silverwizard • •The Corodon
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I didn't realize it took that many words to spell "I don't know what a presidental pardon is" damn
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