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Fascinating. Google is telling my, “Your browser is no longer supported,” when I try to use some of their more bullshit exploitative features for marks. I’m using #LibreWolf. I think I’ll keep using it.
Set your UA to "Fuck Off You Fucking Fucks", it makes Google work better
@silverwizard I have my UA set to make me look inconspicuous, I think it says I’m on Chome on Windows or something.
Yeah, LibreWolf's default goes out of date faster than LibreWolf
@silverwizard Until #Godot4’s wasm target starts working again, I have little motivation to upgrade.
Yeah, you're just probably lieing too slowly, so lie less accurately

Heisenberg's Uncertainty UserAgent!
@silverwizard Setting it to Fuck Google might be satisfying but it’s like putting a tracking bug on your forehead.
@silverwizard Why am I concerned about tracking and yet subscribe to Google Location Service? hey, shut up.
elinks uses something like that as default. used to display "sorry we aren't cool enough to support your browser" when accessing as such