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When you see me holding a Macbook at BSDCan, you need to understand, it's running FreeBSD

I am building a kernel on a Macbook Air from 2012

I bought this thing on the weekend (literally Sunday)

It was running OS X Lion

Any #FreeBSD wifi people have some time? I'm using an ancient bwn card and this threahd (last post) is making me think there's a reversion to something because it's the only mention I can find using 14.0

I've already built a kernel accepting the GPL so I'm not super afraid of getting my hands dirty

(I can provide better info in a bit, but the linked forum thread is my exact steps, which, once it was crashing the same way, lead me to that thread)

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Ok - so it looks like 2012 MacBook Airs hard crash when you put network on their Broadcom chip....

It's fine - but damn that sucks

I've got it working with OpenBSD and a wifi dongle