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Say if I *needed* to learn JavaScript, not wanted may I add.

What’s the best way to get that in my brain?

in reply to Security Writer

Well, it’s not an introduction to JavaScript per se, but you could play with the Kitten tutorials… if you have programming knowledge in any other C-style language, it should all make sense (if anything, it’s mostly easier) and you’d have some instant satisfaction from making small web stuff :)…

in reply to Security Writer

I found Brad Traversy's videos really good when I was learning…
in reply to Gerard Hynes

And Wes Bos's JavaScript 30 for practice

in reply to Security Writer

common mistake, thinking that you need to put something *into* your brain to use JavaScript. What you *actually* need to do is remove best practices, separations of concerns, sanity, and hope. Then you'll finally be a JavaScript developer.

Security Writer reshared this.

in reply to Security Writer

read the spec, avoid 90% of the crap out there, and avoid LLMs that are trained on all the crap.

Treat js as a functional language. Learn its idiosyncrasies and common errors.

Avoid libraries and frameworks if the target is to learn.

in reply to Security Writer

@Security Writer Get bored playing incremental games, this the fastest I ever cared about JS because I ended up figuring out all their internals
in reply to Security Writer

It depends what you are doing in the ecosystem. If you just want to get a good grasp of vanilla JavaScript fundamentals then w3schools will get the job done. Another great resource is the Mozilla developer docs if you prefer a more dry learning experience.

If you’re a book person it’s a little cliched but I learned with JavaScript the good parts a long time ago and it helped me a lot.

in reply to Security Writer

@Security Writer My main resource lately has been the Mozilla Developer Network website, the only honest thing currently maintained by Mozilla:…
in reply to Security Writer

you would have to accept the paradigm where everything which should have been immutable ends up exactly opposite, and your job is to fight the language "flexibility" to the point where every possible place to break is property taped