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Does anyone know of a jurisdiction that provides detailed information on their traffic signal timings? #Toronto provides this data for $120 per intersection (ouch), just wondering if there are other options out there.
in reply to mhoye

@mhoye there is a specific argument¹ claiming that FOI requests do not apply to signal timing:

"The public can request Current Signal Timing, Historical Signal Timing and Signalised Intersection Drawings on payment of the requisite fees. These records cannot be provided under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. […]"



in reply to Ben Zanin

"Under City by-laws, City staff are authorised to provide these records for a fee. The authority to charge the fee is enshrined in items 104, 105 and 108 of the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 441, Fees PDFand Charges, Appendix C – Schedule 2, Transportation Services."
