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please boost!!! :boostRequest:

UPDATE: as of TODAY i have been kicked out by my roomie

so i'm here to ask for three things:

1. housing in seattle

this is the biggest one. i am now so desperate i'm looking for couches to crash on temporarily right away, but also i'd like to seek out something medium to long term so i have time to get my shit together. i'm currently broke and unemployed, with no family or anything to support me, so i can't really pay rent or anything like that yet (i am aware of how huge an ask this is). i will update this post if that changes. and hopefully it will, because...

2. job leads

i'm currently doing my best to job search. after having an utterly sanity-destroying time working in fast food pre-pandemic, that drove me to the brink of suicide, i am extremely wary of fast food or retail and have basically set the hard limit that i can't do anything public-facing for my own mental health's sake. my various mental illnesses further complicate matters, but i'm trying my best to find something that will work for me. my work portfolio is at

3. donations to keep me going in the meantime

and finally, i'm requesting donations to help keep me afloat. no real goal here, i can tell i'm gonna need as much slack as possible cut to avoid things going south... so, seriously, anything helps give me a bit more breathing room. thank you so much 🖤






patreon (monthly):

#MutualAid #seattle

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
im really sorry, i hope you can find a stable situation very soon, be safe
vanta! im sorry hun... we will keep boosting your crowdfunding. 🖤🏳️‍⚧️ :anarchistflagblack:
Oh no I'm so sorry for you Vanta, I really hope you'll get the help you need! Please take care :blobcatheart:
Don't know if it'll help, but..
do you at least have temporary lodging till you can find something more permanent? Also, were you on a lease in the old place? If so, ex-roomie violated that lease by kicking you out. Might want to look into Seattle's landlord-tenant laws and see what your options are.

Fuck. I’ve only just seen this. A small donation is winging its way to you now.

I hope you’re okay and you manage to find somewhere quickly.

We have so much space where I stay… but my friend inexplicably made an exception for me because she actually hates having other people here.

I know wishes and thoughts can’t do much to combat immediate needs or Fear Etc™️, but I’d love to have you right across the hall, I know you WILL get through this, you inspire me every day—good or bad, and I’m sending you a bottomless boatload of hugs. 🫂

I really hope shit works out for you, for real. Best wishes for whatever they're worth <3
fuck, I feel the fast food/retail anxiety, I hope you can get some housing, and a sane job, Vanta.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)