I’m really happy with how my current project is going
This is an air quality sensor plugged into a microcontroller that’s transmitting readings over a mesh WiFi
I only have this one soldered at the moment, plus a prototype on a breadboard. That's my proof of concept that I could do this.
I learned lots doing this. Quite happy. Much to do still.
Guillaume Rossolini
in reply to Guillaume Rossolini • • •Since this one works, I ordered a few more sensors and microcontrollers from the same manufacturers and I soldered them
I now have a bunch of these little devices around the house, and I am very happy with how they extend the range
As long as I place enough of them along the way, I can sprinkle them wherever I want and they’ll self organize, and one of them reports all their readings to an SQLite database on a RaspberryPi Zero
They are on their own WiFi, which doesn’t matter for security since I’ve written their program myself, but still feels great
Haven’t done statistics and graphs yet
#electronics #AirQuality #DIY