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We applaud Meta’s efforts to try to fix its over-censorship problem but will watch closely to make sure it is a good-faith effort and rolled out fairly and not merely a political maneuver to accommodate the upcoming U.S. administration change.…

reshared this

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

How naive are you lot, my goodness. You oughta be sticking the knife to them, not providing them ammo for plausible deniability as they continue being complicit with fascism. Get off the damn fence.

John-Mark Gurney reshared this.

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Don't expect a good outcome from any of this. Companies like Meta aren't doing this because they think it's a good or the right thing to do. Zuckerberg and Meta are absolutely horrible and along with Musk (and other billionaires), would crush human life if it meant making more money. The default should be to NOT trust these terrible people.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

is there anything in the history of Facebook or Zuckerberg to support this rosy optimism?
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

This is giving cover to fascists. It's not a good faith effort and that's obvious to everyone.
Unknown parent

Daniel Marks
@rootwyrm Meta doesn't censor, they just get rid of anything that doesn't suit them. That's much better!
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Update: After this blog post was written, we learned Meta revised its public "Hateful Conduct" policy in ways EFF finds concerning. We are analyzing these changes, which this blog post does not address.

freiheit🤖 reshared this.

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

yeaaaa yall this is not aging well, hate speech inciting harm against vulnerable groups is an exception.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

when have y'all ever found bigotry concerning? When people united to put public pressure on to drop protection from hateful sites like KiwiFarms, and they succeeded, you wrung your hands about it, and later that year created a "Protect The Stack" site. And then the year after that, an ISP dropped them for violating their Acceptable Use Policy and Corynne McSherry (who oh-so-bravely wrote anonymously) wrote about how it was concerning and we need to keep Protecting Bigots Free Speech- I mean "The Stack".…
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

maybe next time ask literally any internet savvy marginalized person before you write in your fucking blog
in reply to Nora Reed

I saw THAT blog posted by eff, about the same time I saw someone working in the eff shitting on Facebook, on my timeline.
They can just literally ask some of their employees. They choose not to. 😅
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Good, I figured y'all just hadn't gotten the full picture.

To a lot of people, it seemed there for a moment y'all were going mask-off in support of social manipulation and corporate greed. A scary direction for the EFF.

Saying that to your Fedi audience... 😰

In today's day and age, it's not just what is censored but what is also promoted. Hate speech and factual misinformation were already rampant of the Meta platforms, as they are on the X platform. Social media companies are companies, they will follow what they think will bring them profit and follow what they believe the trend is. Right now, they believe far-right politicians represent their best interests and far-right ideology is trending. Therefore, it makes sense to calibrate their policies and algorithms to support those ideas.

If these platforms were neutral, removing this censorship would already be a pretty bad idea. These platforms definitely aren't neutral, and they already had tremendous issues with content related to hate speech before this decision.

Even 4chan has moderation, it shouldn't be more moderated than the one service our collective grandparents were actually motivated to figure out how to use.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

By the time we shared this statement, the conversation had understandably shifted toward Meta's dangerous new content policy. It was a mistake to project good faith onto the company, which quickly showed it was not deserving of it. For a full analysis, see…
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

it was a mistake to project good faith onto the company in this the year 2025?

8 years after the Rohingya genocide? You still gave them the benefit of the doubt?

Is there any kind of internal self-evaluation happening at the organization or even in your own heads asking yourselves why you made such a poor choice? In, and I cannot stress this enough…. 2025?

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

If it was a mistake, take down the post, issue a retraction, and issue an equally enthusiastic condemnation of Facebook's role in welcoming fascism and undermining the core values EFF (purportedly) stands for.

Also, tell us what you're going to do to ensure this doesn't happen again. In terms of limiting the influence of (e.g. firing) whoever thought that post was a good idea. I doubt the senior names on the byline actually had time to write it. Whoever did is a plant compromising the EFF.

in reply to Cassandrich

EFF, Meta

Sensitive content

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

you're flogging a dead horse by pointing out "oh yeah Meta is still bad actually oops" and suggesting what they must/should/could do as if they will ever in our lifetimes do it beyond protecting their bottom line and reputation in the press with performative and empty gestures.
Stop wasting your energy with this, apologise fully and meaningfully for your repeated naivety and trust for Meta and finally encourage its abandonment and suffocation while elevating its community owned alternatives
in reply to Shrig 🐌

this additional blog post only reads like fluff to try and stop the flow of your hemorrhaging donors. No shit Meta is bad 🙄
in reply to David Plisken 🏳️‍⚧️ BLM! 🇵🇸

@najakwa are you looking for a copy editor? You can remove verbose statements with bigoted overtones by using direct, simple, statements, which don't hide the message behind the tone:
in reply to Malin

@malin excellent work. For those at EFF who didn't read the change from Meta, this position is not a lie.…
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

What basis do you have for assuming good-faith from Facebook?

I usually trust the EFF but this statement concerns me.

in reply to Noxy 🐾

@noxypaws This statement should probably cause you to reevaluate your trust for the EFF. I don't think anybody, ever, has ever accused facebook of "over-moderation", except outright fascists.

What the absolute fuck, EFF?

in reply to Hadley T. Canine (fox)

@hadley @noxypaws
Nipples (and cakes that look vaguely like breasts), same sex kisses, blasphemous content in Pakistan, climate change, vaccine information, criticism of the Israel government, and a few others are on the list linked below.…
Unknown parent

Lucy B
@olea @hadley @noxypaws
Perhaps it’s a triple standard, as nipples are fine, as long as Meta can sell them in ads. And you’re absolutely right, the censorship is definitely still there.…