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Ordered one of these walking pads for under my desk. It'll really tie my capitalist hamster wheel home office together ✨️
Walking pad

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@yukiame I ordered it from a Dutch supplier:
To be fair I'm doing a remote training Thursday to Sunday from 2pm until 23pm (New York based) and work in the mornings, so it was either this or 44 hrs of sitting. #treatyoself #wfh
I've seen a few people on VC using these things and it's super disorienting since they're bobbing up and down a bit on video! :D .. But if it was more mainstream, I doubt it would distract anymore.
wow. Don't you have labor laws in the Netherlands?

BTW welcome back! 😄
@fedops thanks! And neh, I'm doing this to myself 😅
Is that 2pm to mean 0200 or 1400 hours?! Because I am worried about this implied 21 our training.

Though 9 hours also suucccks

Good luck
@silverwizard 14:00 fortunately 😅
hope you can tune the speed of it… would be quite funny running/ sweating during an online meeting…
let us all know how it works for you. Maybe save us all some expense and heartache.
She's here!!! 😍
Picture of my office with walking pad
linus tovald has one as well 😂
I saw this post first and squinted for quite some time looking for a cat or something, before noticing the above post 😆
you are doing the SPRINT method for real!
let me know what you think of it! Does your Fitbit / exercise watch measure the "steps" you take on it? Which one did you get?
@jdarnold So far I like it! I can easily do things while walking, just typing is slightly harder. I'm using their app, not connected to a fitbit. I got the Xiaomi A1 Pro.
is that practical? Very curious.
Ooohhh, looks nice! Review please. :)
Nice! I've thought about buying something like this, so I'd be interested too hear how it works out for you.
@brian So far I've been using it for 2 hrs and like it a lot. I'm already at 6200 steps 🥳

Used it during a 1-1 meeting, which was a bit distracting, and 1 during my remote training, which works fine. The only challenge is walking and typing, but its doable. The app is not great, will look into it more.
The typing thing is what I was wondering about since that is what I'm doing the majority of my day. Though if I'm able to use it for an hour or so each day it would probably be worth the money.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it, Gina! Appreciate it.
Nice battle station!
Ohh, beatifull place.
Lovely setup! It looks so zen.
jealous! I want a treadmill for my standing desk but it is much too expensive right now. At least for one that would work for someone of my... gernerousness....

The reviews I read for ones that look like yours aren't good for heavier people but glad it's working out well for you so far.
Update on the walking pad: I love it!! I'm walking 10K steps every day, I feel much more energized and the day flies by 🥳
Might have to try this out… I stand most of the time anyways so walking could work for me too. How expensive was yours?
I agree that ergonomics isn't perfect, but it's better then nothing 😁.

I've stand-up desk separately from this 😉.
@gwenn Lol, it goes up to 6 km per hour. What's funny is that you first have to walk 1 km at 3 km/ph before you 'unlock' the 6 km/ph speed
@gwenn Jup. Although I doubt I'd get much work done if I had to jog in the meantime 😅
@Cambria Great minds think alike.
@Cambria if I were you I'd splurge on a motorized desk, its not fun having to use the handle one.
Just adding to this for those who want partial motion, does something exist like a hybrid bicycle that I place in front of my chair and I push/rotate my legs so that I am getting motion while working?

Ideally a small concept that fits under any desk and let's me use my existing chair (and thus affordable too)
@trianderror it does, but you get used to it quickly. Haha I'm always in sports attire when I work from home.