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Content warning: where's the satire

Wait, they don't believe that us hating cops is actually what it's like on Fedi

They still don't get that?
@researchfairy Clearly it's the sausages

@researchfairy if only they'd put a "hog" cw on there, they'd have been the post popular account on the network. you know. until...
ummm hi, it's called fediblock lmao facepalm
Of course, it must be a coordinated attack! It can't possibly be that they did a shitty thing and responded like assholes when they were called out. No, it's the users who are wrong.
Sausage Discord is coming for us!!1!
I hope it’s not the German one. German sausage Discord is the wurst.
xD Yes, the missing CW was the issue

Content warning: silly, cops,

I very rarely see a defence so stupid it makes me laugh but this cleared that barrier easily. No, clown. It’s because you make bad hires and can’t read
@researchfairy Yeah I dunno

Like I don't want to dismiss any legit shitty experiences they've had but if their take away from half of fedi blocking them because of their response to being criticised for hiring a cop is 'it was because we didn't content warn the sausage'...
the whole article is a bit shit

Content warning: RPi drama

@Tattooed_mummy @hugo They're imaginary sausages, just like the imaginary reasoning in the article

Content warning: Meta - Death of Pi

Content warning: Meta - Death of Pi

Content warning: Meta - Death of Pi

Yeah, on second thought I'm deleting those posts because—extremely shitty ambiguous journalism aside—I don't want to encourage people doing the "but did it really happen?" thing to individuals who experience harassment
I can't decide if it's weirder to already genuinely have had like a policy that "we don't content warning meat" or to pretend on the fly that you totally had established that just to make this flimsy excuse.

Content warning: raspberryPi drama

Content warning: raspberryPi drama

Content warning: raspberryPi drama

guys, it wasn't me it was, uh, the content warning crusaders! Yeah, that's why we got all this bad press. My actions have nothing to do with it.
ok now that's just silly... she's... being silly on purpose, right? Like... she doesn't actually believe that? Been holding in the farts too long they went to her head?
I cannot tell anymore.

Content warning: raspberryPi drama

"We have a policy that we are never wrong."

Pure narcissism. Or perhaps Hanlon's Razor.